TAPETUM LUCIDUM 2024 – The 8th Taiwan International Cat Film Festival

TAPETUM LUCIDUM 2024 – The 8th Taiwan International Cat Film Festival is co-curated by Ming-Yu Lee and Yung-Hao Liu. As the first cat-themed art film festival in Asia and Taiwan, this year’s event is officially entering its eighth year. This year’s selection includes Claude Ciccolella, one of the founders of IMAGES CONTRE NATURE, a major French experimental film festival, and his cat Wallaby, as well as a special edition of his award-winning film Under Desert in 2023, and Spanish artist Esperanza Collado, who has been working on a film for over a decade. British prose filmmakers and prose film studies professors Kayla Parker and Stuart Moore with their cats Charles and Winky; American filmmaker Marty Hamrick; Spanish filmmaker Santiago Estruch Mansanet; Chinese American Professor (teaching at the University of Massachusetts Boston) and experimental film artist Wenhua Shi. In addition, this year we have invited a number of emerging experimental film and video artists: Eli Shi, Zhu Xiangsheng, Zhou Jung-Ching, Chang Chin-Chieh, Chang Xuechen, Kuo Chunyen, Huang Yu Ti, Liou Yi-Hong, and Tsai Yu-Hsuan.

Newly emerged street cats take a lazy nap on rooftops in the rare sunshine. The Cat Film Festival is back in 2024 after on hiatus for a year. We look forward to the exciting program.

Participating Artists

Claude Ciccolella
Eli Shi + Jesse
Esperanza Collado
Kayla Parker & Stuart Moore + Charles & Winky
Marty Hamrick
Santiago Estruch Mansanet
Wenhua Shi 
Zhu Xiangsheng
Zhou Jung-Ching 
Chang Chin-Chieh 
Chang Xuechen 
Kuo Chunyen 
Huang Yu Ti 
Liou Yi-Hong
Tsai Yu-Hsuan

※Each film will be shown on a daily loop (Screening time: 14:00-18:00)
※For detailed screening time, please refer to the festival website.

Time2024.02.23 — 02.25, 2:00pm to 6:00pm
Venue | TheCube Project Space (2F, No. 13, Alley 1, Lane 136, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei)
Official website | https://catfilmtaiwan.wixsite.com/tlticff

Organizer | Ming-Yu Lee, Yung-Hao Liu
Co-organizer | TheCube Project Space

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