Lecture by Huang Sun-Quan: Multitude: Till We Have Faces!—The Images of Social Movements in Asia
Praxis School is the thematic lecture series to be hosted by TheCube Project Space in 2016. The first series will be delivered by Huang Sun-Quan, a renowned social activist and cultural researcher, with “Multitude: Till We Have Faces!” as the theme that runs through this series.
Madeleine Moment: The Technology of Memory and Sentiment
The Praxis School is a series of themed lecture programs curated on an annual basis at the TheCube Project Space which began in 2016.Continuing in the focus on modern living and technology, the theme of the Praxis School for 2022will revolve around discussions of collective sentiments and memories.
Constellation Assembly
Curatography Issue 11 "Ethics of Flourishing Onto-Epistemologies” focuses on exploring the prospective intricacies of a pluriversal onto-epistemological ecosystem from a curatorial perspective. "Constellation Assembly" initiative endeavors to cultivate interconnections among curators, artists, and diverse participants through dialogues and negotiations. Analogous to the assembly of celestial bodies forming constellations, this conceptualization posits the establishment of gatherings to construct flourishing onto-epistemologies, which are necessarily reconfigured from friendships among people and the exchange of dialogues between diverse perspectives.