International Residency Research Program Sharing Session

About the Program
TheCube Project Space is honoured to co-host this event with the Master of Arts in Critical and Curatorial Studies of Contemporary Art (CCSCA) of the National Taipei University of Education on March 8th (Friday) at the Hong Foundation Minlong Forum. The event is a sharing session about International Curator/Artist Residency Programs.
In the post-epidemic era, international exchange activities in the contemporary art field have gradually increased, and both Taiwan and foreign institutions are launching residency programs and holding international forums. Yu-Lun (Fiona) Hsu, a student of CCSCA, was selected to participate in the ‘Curatorial Intensive Indonesia 2024’ held by Independent Curators International (ICI) and took a 10-day intensive training in Yogyakarta and Bali. This year, the Asia Society Switzerland collaborated with TheCube Project Space to assist Giada Olivotto, an independent curator from Switzerland, who was selected for Curator Residency, to conduct a two-month in-depth research trip in Taipei. Last year, the Hong Foundation signed an international partnership agreement with the Netherlands’ Royal Academy of Visual Arts, Rijksakademie, to sponsor Taiwanese artists to visit Europe for residency.This sharing will talk from the perspective of residency experience and organizations that promote residency programs. First, the curators will share their curatorial practices and residency experience. Then, the representatives of Asia Society Switzerland and the Hong Foundation will briefly discuss the reasons behind launching the international cooperation projects.
Program Schedule
* 15:00-15:05 Opening speech by Prof. Lu Pei-Yi and Amy Cheng (Director of TheCube Project Space)
* 15:05-15:45 Yu-Lun (Fiona) Hsu
* 15:45-16:00 Q & A, Break
* 16:00-16:40 Giada Olivotto
* 16:40-16:55 Q & A, Break
* 16:55-17:10 Nico Luchsinger, Executive Director of Asia Society Switzerland
* 17:10-17:25 Grace Cheung, Vice Chair of the Hong Foundation
* 17:25-17:30 Q & A
About Speakers
Yu-Lun (Fiona) Hsu
Yu-Lun (Fiona) Hsu is an independent art worker based in Taipei, Taiwan, and a founding member of art collective ‘tsit-uân.’ With a diverse background in literature, cultural studies and curatorial studies, she actively participates in artistic and cultural research, writing, curation, and management. Her focus primarily lies in collective, socially conscious, and multidisciplinary artistic initiatives of the art and non-art communities within Taiwan and in the Asia Pacific region.
Giada Olivotto
Giada Olivotto (1990, Locarno) is an independent curator based in Ticino. Since 2017 she has been co-director of the Sonnenstube off-space and co-funded in 2020 the sound exhibition space CANALE MILVA. Selected as the Curator-in-Residence in Taipei by Asia Society Switzerland.
Nico Luchsinger
Nico is the Executive Director of Asia Society Switzerland. A medieval historian by training, he previously worked for Swiss newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung, founded the global entrepreneurial community Sandbox, and ran business development for Swiss startup Mila.
Grace Cheung
Founder and Principal Architect of XRANGE. Holding a Master of Architecture from Columbia University, Cheung is a USA licensed architect living and practicing in Taipei. Cheung brings her cultural fluency and international background to steer XRANGE towards a specifically localized yet global critical point of view with the methods and materials of architecture. Cheung is also the Vice Chairman and Executive Director of the Hong Foundation, extending its five-decade philanthropic legacy synonymous with the social and cultural heritage of Taiwan into the next wave.
About Organizer
TheCube Project Space
Founded in 2010, TheCube Project Space is an independent art space devoted to research, production, and presentation of contemporary art. As a non-profit art organization, it aims to explore local culture in depth, connect people from diverse backgrounds, establish long-term re- relationships with artists and participants, and promote cultural exchanges between Taiwan and the international community.
Master of Arts in Critical and Curatorial Studies of Contemporary Art (CCSCA) at NTUE
CCSCA is a two-year, intensive, taught-in-English international graduate program, emphasizing both art criticism and curatorial studies, while providing students an opportunity to become familiar with discourses in contemporary art from various vantage points of the globe, especially the Asia Pacific region.
Hong Foundation
Since its founding in 1971, the Hong Foundation had invested in promoting education and fostering culture in the fields of literature, history, philosophy and music. It has established the iconic “Shu Ping Shu Mu Review of Books and Bibliography,” the Hong Foundation Audiovisual Library, the Culture for Business Academy and Minlong Forum, leading the way in cultural and educational innovation at the time. After 2000, the foundation broadens its scope to contemporary art. Through commissions and direct sponsorships, the foundation provides sponsorship programs of varying scales to artists working at various stages of their careers.
In 2023, the foundation collaborates with Rijksakademie, the international artist residency, to establish scholarships for Taiwan art projects. Through initiating global networks, the foundation aims to extend its central tenet of fostering a ‘Culture of Creation’ and continue its mission to energize the art ecosystem.
Organizer|TheCube Project Space, CCSCA
Co-organizer|Hong Foundation
Sponsor|National Culture and Arts Foundation, Asia Society Switzerland